Postdocs and Research Associates


Irene Ballagh

E-mail: [email protected]


Sigal Balshine
McMaster University, Canada

Email: [email protected]


Boris Chagnaud
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich

Research Focus: Sensory motor integration, pattern generation of vocalization and neuronal control of super fast muscles.

Key words: Systems neurobiology, vocal fish, corollary discharges, mechnosensory systems

Email: [email protected]


Ni (Jenny) Ye Feng
Postdoctoral Associate
Yale University

Email: [email protected]


Dan Fergus
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Genomics and Biodiversity Lab

Research Focus: Midshipman brain and ear transcriptome. Research with Your Wild Life on Mites


Christy M. Foran
Research Biologist
ERDC Risk and Decision Sciences Team

Email: [email protected]

Research Interests: Decision analysis and risk assessment, environmental physiology and toxicology, impacts of aquatic contaminants and endocrine disrupting chemicals


Matt Kittelberger
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Gettysburg College

Email: [email protected]


Friedrich Ladich
Associate Professor
University of Vienna

Email: [email protected]


Aaron Rice
Research Associate

Research Focus:My research focuses on the production and perception of sounds by fishes, and I use this information to address two key areas in organismal biology: how sounds are produced and used to mediate social behavior, and how I can use the spatial and temporal occurrence of species-specific sounds to understand the population dynamics of vocalizing species.

Bioacoustics Research Program, 
Cornell Lab of Ornithology



Nick Santangelo
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Hofstra University


Joseph Sisneros
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology & Biology
University of Washington

Email: [email protected]


Raquel Vasconselos
Assistant Professor
University of St. Joseph


M. Jade Zee
Associate Director
Program in Behavioral Neuroscience
Northeastern University

Graduate Students

Adam Arterbery
Posdoctoral Fellow
Department of Pediatrics
Yale School of Medicine


Paul Forlano
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Brooklyn College

Email: [email protected]


Jonathan Lee
Research Fisheries Biologist
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)



Luke Remage-Healey
Assistant Professor
Organismic & Evolutionary Biology
University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Email: [email protected]


Matthew Weeg
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Southern Utah University

Email: [email protected]